Sunday, January 9, 2011

Atopic Dermatitis Cream For Newborn

/ Health Tips

Hello Beautiful
Well, today is Sunday, 09/01 , I thought I could make a balance weekly every Sunday , and summarize .... I also believe that every Sunday I will put some data on weight loss, food, and other . There will be tips, and do not believe in them. They will be information from magazines, so if someone raises a complaint I invite him to address the editorial! Most of all this for the anonymous choking, and by Wannas roaming the web, I prefer to read things healthy, plus it never hurts for us to know a little more or not, there are things to consider and use them too? ?

Summary of the week
Venia well, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday, does not exceed 500 cal almost , there were many days less, so I was happy, fast Friday, consumed only water, so again I was super happy, Saturday I woke up very happy, and what happened? I thought fast, there was no breakfast but water ... and then ...? Not exactly, but I told my boy, because we did not eat ravioli? Bone do not understand why I did that, if I thought fast? Ok, I thought of eating a super small portion, so before I ate tomatoes and cucumbers to fill, but obviously with the ravioli with PAN fileto appears in the table, first ate a bit, then another and another and another and other .... And do not stop . Until there was more. After scare me much, panic, and take a liter of water. When I was single, I began to try to throw , only left the water with stomach acids, so the water only long . After that, I did a lot year, not much, but riding a bike , dance, did squats and abdominal . I was more than an hour. I do not think you've burned too. In fact, today the balance made it very clear, increase based on the weight of Aller. Today my plan is to eat no more than 500 healthy things and lots of fluids. Also just started taking (eating) the famous garlic fasting, I read that helps you lose weight, eliminate toxins from the blood circulation, so I started doing it, I will tell how it goes with that too yes?.

Weight of the Week: 72.00

Weight this week: 69,600

week Total lost: 2,400 kg. ( would have been great to be not believe 3 kilos)? More than anything for my weight .... But as I said yesterday Al (♥) Tomorrow is another day and start all over again ....

Oh, I've reconsidered about the anonymous of the previous post, I do not read this, but he is right, as some will notice (not others, myself included in that list), in this post I have corrected the spelling errors. So thank you Anonymous, thanks to your constructive criticism NOT SO THE DEJISTE, manage to get something constructive super!.

Pfff It made me very long entry!

Tips / Advice / Data

"In small steps and feel better every day"
  1. Avoid portions larger than your fist.
  2. Add fruit to your breakfast, get greater satiety.
  3. Drink a glass of water cool before each meal.
  4. Take yourself shopping bags instead of using carts for shopping.
  5. Do sit-ups while watching TV.
  6. If you have trouble going to the gym, take a walk before or after work and / or study.
  7. Do stretching exercises before going to bed to have more energy to get up.

Argentina Better Living Magazine.


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