Thursday, December 16, 2010

Decoratave Sail Boats

SEAL SPANISH: ROOM IN ROME (Julio Medem, 2010)

Thinking about the arts, representing some others, I was. Some serve common thread of all others, to make available to the public the rest. I thought of the film. Because of its visual, to express anything, to speak ... everything. Therefore, in addition to the criticisms directed this movie, I decided to write about Medem Room in Rome of .

Knowing the director
was born into a middle class family on October 21, 1958 in San Sebastian. A mixture of blood runs through his veins, his father is the son of a German and a Valencia And his mother, the daughter of a French partisan and a Basque woman. Was devoted to sport, particularly athletics, getting the best English in 110 meter hurdles, being a candidate for a scholarship in the Montreal Olympics (1976) . He left the sport, enrolling in Medicine or General Surgery at the University of Soria, with plans to become a psychiatrist. But since childhood and was a movie buff, playing with his sister to make films.

His first short films were the blind (1974), On Thursday (1977), Noodles (1979), and later, if I were a poet ... (1981), Teatro en Soria (1982).
At the same time, began working in magazines by film critics (Cinema 2002, Casablanca and in the newspaper, La Voz de Euskadi).
In 1979, returning to his hometown, he begins to shoot his first short films in 35 mm at the head Legs (1985), produced Luis Campoy and Medem, getting winning the cup and Film International Documentary Film festival and Short Film of Bilbao, The six points (1987), winning the Telenorte, in the same event mentioned above. This year
work as collaborators of the Chronicle of the Second Carlist War, produced by José María Tuduri, and the back of heaven, Beltrán Germain short film. Realizing at once the medium-length Martín (1988) and the documentary The Basque Journal. In an era of relative isolation and economic crisis, made the short bridge (1990). In hindsight, Medem's film scripted Basque and get no grant or by the public nor by the Euskadi Ministeriko of Culture. Fernando Garcillán opens the door and it is produced (1992), a story that won the Goya for Best New Director, and other awards at festivals in Tokyo, Turin and Alexandria.
In 1992, he embarks on what will be his second film, The Red Squirrel . It opens in 1993, winning the Youth Award at the Festival de Cannes. Recommended by Stanley Kubrick, recibión a proposal for Steven Spielberg to direct the Fox, but wanted to follow the path led him to reject it.

The red squirrel (Julio Medem, 1993)

His third feature film Earth (1996), went to the festival empty-handed Cannes. In 1998, Medem, conduct Lovers of the Arctic Circle (1998), with which it came public recognition and consolidated within the national and international projection . They say that this film trauma caused him to Medem, since the end of this tragic love story will perseguía.En 2001, there is the project Sex and Lucia (2001), having a blockbuster and a good international reconocmiento.
in 2004, made a compilation of 32 short works, deal with a criticism of various aspects of the English reality, stressing the government's policy of Aznar. Had little impact.
In 2007, Chaotic Ana release the film, based on his sister died in a traffic accident. Affected by the fact that critics and the public despised the movie.
In 2010, the film will reach us that they intend to speak: Room in Room (2010), inspired by the film "In Bed", tells the story loving Alba (Elena Anaya) and Natasha (Natasha Yarovenko), one English and Russian in a hotel room in Rome , after meeting in a room in Rome. They live the adventure of a night and the day after each take different paths (one in Spain and one in Russia). The Russian Red comes from bso and Jocelyn Pook. As for the careful and sensitive photography is by Alex Catalan. Production of films and Alicia Morena Produce (her own production). Starring: Elena Anaya, Natasha Yarovenko, Najwa Nimri and Enrico Lo Verso.

The Film
concepts in their description or definition, far from providing solutions problematic. In the film, Julio Medem, rather than define a concept as abstract as love, we face a situation of love of the moment. Normally we have a love of a night, and we know everything about the other hand, sometimes we do not quit, but there is another possibility. When you finish tonight and get separated from that person, tempus fugit. The film notes that the concept at first Ortega. Love begins as a vision of realities that are noticed like kind (those two players). Clear that such powers of observation have nothing to do with intelligence as the ability to resolve conceptual issues. It is, rather, a poetic gift that can lodge in people, to Ortega, "almost idiotic." Two women who know one night, not knowing anything but their faces are attracted towards each other, forging a relationship of one night. So far easier. But, Room in Rome, is more than a story that can only read sex and love between two women.

Cinema, how could define it?, according to the RAE, in its second meaning: Technique, art and industry of filmmaking. And cinematography: Recruitment and projection on a screen moving photographic images. It is a concept too abstract and general, well stated. But this concept is defining features can be added, quoting the word go, but sometimes narrows and leave things along the way, to be effective and valid only for certain factual assumptions, leaving the rest aside. All who know something about film, even minimally, we could say that one of the features of the world, is to reflect and complement knowledge of other arts and literature, painting, history, architecture, sculpture, etc. If we see Room in Rome, the place where everything happens, is a source of knowledge. Interpersonal relations of the two actors complement each other perfectly with the environment, the plot is cleverly drawn. Perfectly mixed experiences of each of the characters with the history of that room and everything has a reason. Little by little, to know anything, if just a game path of love, we discover that means that room and that relationship to each character, coming to know all of them and the room. At first it is presented as an enigma, it is quite simple pleasure of a night between them, period. But the abstract concept of mutual love, makes them want to learn more from each other, this knowledge leads therefore to know more about that room, with a rich history incatalogable. This is well illustrated in a conversation Alba and Natasha:

Natasha-The Agora of Athens, you know not?, What came first, the box or
your story?, who inspired who?
Alba "Good question.
Natasha "That picture is here before you were born.
Alba Since long before and I've been waiting all this time.

In hindsight, it will unravel the mysteries of the box (and other enigmas concealed in the room). Both are related to the medium, even be the same way. Is a plot, not just of two but of ménage à trois (Both and history of the room). A story about the map of Rome, the Rome of the Caesars, The Agora of Athens Aspasia of Miletus, a teacher of rhetoric and logographic, wife of Pericles) ... That name, that of Aspasia of Miletus, is more than a story in the film to Julio Medem, is what would be their project for the future, risking enter the V century BC Athens
Ultimately, a well designed frame in concurrence with the environment, and the use of good bso (Loving Strangers Russian Red, among others) . A story with an atmosphere of eroticism and sensuality, loaded with historical inspirations are reflected in the walls. Both are hiding their experiences, their origins, perhaps for fear of getting involved in a relationship without much future and then is resolved in the appropriate dose (accompanied by the landmark decision of the medium in which it occurs), which will have to leave because the next day a march to Spain and one to Russia. Being that story, at the end, in that cabin. Seal dream of the author, plot, well presented, excellent performances and a realistic narrative unusual. What more could you blame, perhaps, is the end, with everything real had been the film, introducing a moment of fantasy and imagination, but always with a consistent inteligente.El who has seen it and did not like anything , not having realized the beauty of his narrative and the cultural richness that shows, I advise them to look from another perspective, something beyond a love story a night and an excessive nudity.


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