Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jaw Augmentation Before And After

You get confused.

Video 1. Talk "we get the choreography?

're confused, you're stunned, you think everything I write is for someone in this. No, the person you write longer exists, was always in my thoughts, in my mind, my brain and my heart.

is true, I readily agreed that, that really did not know her. I was in love with a dream, a shadow, a fiction , my imagination. I fell in love with how good it feels to love someone, how amazing it was illusion, make plans for the future, think how wonderful it would be a life together, with many children and happy.

But no, came the moment I fell into the deep abyss of reality (2nd post in my blog) awoke from my peaceful sleep, I opened my eyes and saw the whole truth.

But I liked what I felt, and that is why I write the way I write, because live in a fantasy world of lies manufactured (JAJAJA, no I could help it) . In short, like Buzz Light year when she learned she was a doll and remained cool, I have not lost my heart, I go to infinity and beyond with it or without it.

understand if I do not think or you think that I'm shuffling but damn be understood! There are deeper things than on the surface can be seen.

"I just spent ten minutes with the love of his life, and thousands of hours thinking about him." - Paulo Coelho


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