Sunday, November 14, 2010

How Make A Truck Wood Tool Box

last year.

Video 1. If you do not like, just drop dead for having terrible taste.

A year ago, a sunny November 14, wrote after having put a goal in a championship that was held at my school, I wrote many things and among those things a list of things that should not be, because he was too old for that.

Now my faithful friend with me whiskey, and I decided not to write things about what we should not be, but I have to be here one year.

is simple, from here one year and should be doing practice, and should have learned Quechua and should be talking more or less French well, apart from having improved my English. That's not all, also hope to overcome my addiction to the internet again, I wish with all my strength to finally meet the lovely Miss Alessandra Aranibar, and make a magical journey to the land of Arequipa.

also take my driver's license, I will have traveled to huancayo again, I know a lot more history of Peru than I know, learn about film, films, especially independent film (since it is one of the few things that are not in control conversation). Hopefully in a year and has started a small project I have in mind for some time. Focus, meet new people, have fun, tease, laugh, laughing mourn, mourn with bitterness, fail, get up to fail again and rise from my ashes as I am used to it.

I have every desire to do this and I will, because I have no twenties, I have twenty-one years, twenty long years. Is a lie that I think I feel seventeen years of my life, the responsibilities are falling little by little, the people you usually restest are worn and it is obvious that other people also get older and have other needs.

Therefore, it is time to take action on the matter, many people depend on me and need to become a person able to support them and help them move forward GO!

" Nothing makes us age faster than constantly regret that we grow old" - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg


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