Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can I Lower My Bilirubin Level?


Photo 1. Sorry, I stole another picture yours.

Do you remember the time I raided my house? I felt an uncontrollable desire to tell you, I held back a bit. However, I could not help insinuarte something.

You came, although I said I better not to. I made the drive, which was not affected, the brave, the brave. Do not worry, hugged me, the great feeling of emptiness, that all may be well and joy invaded my body.

No matter how much time passes, it always surprises me how well I know, as you know when I am wrong, when I pretend to be really good or when I'm fine.

They turn, are prowling for new home. If something does happen do you turn?

"We can not fool nature, but we can agree with it." - Albert Einstein.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How Make A Truck Wood Tool Box

last year.

Video 1. If you do not like, just drop dead for having terrible taste.

A year ago, a sunny November 14, wrote after having put a goal in a championship that was held at my school, I wrote many things and among those things a list of things that should not be, because he was too old for that.

Now my faithful friend with me whiskey, and I decided not to write things about what we should not be, but I have to be here one year.

is simple, from here one year and should be doing practice, and should have learned Quechua and should be talking more or less French well, apart from having improved my English. That's not all, also hope to overcome my addiction to the internet again, I wish with all my strength to finally meet the lovely Miss Alessandra Aranibar, and make a magical journey to the land of Arequipa.

also take my driver's license, I will have traveled to huancayo again, I know a lot more history of Peru than I know, learn about film, films, especially independent film (since it is one of the few things that are not in control conversation). Hopefully in a year and has started a small project I have in mind for some time. Focus, meet new people, have fun, tease, laugh, laughing mourn, mourn with bitterness, fail, get up to fail again and rise from my ashes as I am used to it.

I have every desire to do this and I will, because I have no twenties, I have twenty-one years, twenty long years. Is a lie that I think I feel seventeen years of my life, the responsibilities are falling little by little, the people you usually restest are worn and it is obvious that other people also get older and have other needs.

Therefore, it is time to take action on the matter, many people depend on me and need to become a person able to support them and help them move forward GO!

" Nothing makes us age faster than constantly regret that we grow old" - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tom Delonge Full Tattoo Sleeve


Photo 1. The Lagoon Nebula ( Messier 8, M8 or NGC 6523 )

seems that everything has happened, let to feel the icy water that swept across the surface of my body from the tip of the only channels that I have farther to the nerve of my foot.

I was wrong, was not finished: I was dizzy, I felt to be falling, falling, falling, falling up, where no oxygen. Did not feel my feet, my body does not reply, why?

You really affects me so much? I do not understand why my body does not listen to me? Where do I fall? Why is this happening to me?

Wink, starlight is ending, I'm sitting in my room my eyes point to the screen, but I see it. In my mind I see a star, a plastic star, the kind that glow in the dark.

"How long have I been watching? How long have I been sitting here staring at the screen while I felt like I died? Because yes, felt like I was dying.

do not know, do not understand, do not understand. Displacement say Jack Sawyer, this is simply displacement.

"God is cruel. Sometimes I Makes you live." - Stephen King

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jaw Augmentation Before And After

You get confused.

Video 1. Talk "we get the choreography?

're confused, you're stunned, you think everything I write is for someone in this. No, the person you write longer exists, was always in my thoughts, in my mind, my brain and my heart.

is true, I readily agreed that, that really did not know her. I was in love with a dream, a shadow, a fiction , my imagination. I fell in love with how good it feels to love someone, how amazing it was illusion, make plans for the future, think how wonderful it would be a life together, with many children and happy.

But no, came the moment I fell into the deep abyss of reality (2nd post in my blog) awoke from my peaceful sleep, I opened my eyes and saw the whole truth.

But I liked what I felt, and that is why I write the way I write, because live in a fantasy world of lies manufactured (JAJAJA, no I could help it) . In short, like Buzz Light year when she learned she was a doll and remained cool, I have not lost my heart, I go to infinity and beyond with it or without it.

understand if I do not think or you think that I'm shuffling but damn be understood! There are deeper things than on the surface can be seen.

"I just spent ten minutes with the love of his life, and thousands of hours thinking about him." - Paulo Coelho

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Descente Ski Jacket Europe

envy and jealousy.

Photo 1. Bananas in Pajamas.

You know, I have jealousy equals say fear, and for those who do not know: I'm very jealous. That is why I get irritated too much, but it rarely externalized I let things build up and gradually disappear over time.

I have envy, yes, I envy people who do not care so much like me and those who do not know: yes, I worry. I worry about everything I think, say and do. I am concerned as you are you and yes, I'm glad you're well and feel envious because I want to be well .

But my good is more complicated than other well, I'm so exaggerated I always end up complicating the most simple differential life, and I like, I like to be.

Now, I know I have no right to be jealous, but understand that I am a damn nostalgic romantic who can not easily forget that one side is right and on the other side dies in solitude .

"Envy is a thousand times more terrible than hunger, because it is spiritual hunger." - Miguel de Unamuno

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sound Blaster Ct4870 Driver


Video 1. Yes, I've been listening to Luis Miguel.

There are things in life so curious, I do not know. I've healed, I do not feel anything really * strong * by someone. Admittedly, I still like them all, but there is no such person special with which I have always hoped to return to return or to be.

Those feelings of nostalgia and illusion left, and those feelings I think that has been the inspiration to continue writing in this blog. How might this situation affect me so much?

It's been almost 3 weeks since I wrote something, this is not normal because usually I write a lot of things just not the public. Now I can not write, my life is no longer a dream, a frenzy. How I can express how I feel if I do not feel anything for nothing?

is true that other things affect me, as the choice of TEFIM which takes place at the University Of Engineering, where students again demonstrated their ineptitude and elected representatives mangasones them (well, not the same, but behind this little group).

Really these guys (students) are so smart? It is not difficult to see what is happening in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the mafia is in all this, and the beneficiaries of all this * waste * . It is difficult to ask, inquire, up to facebook you can figure out what is happening in college and in the others.

Anyway, this problem is constant in Peru, the real smart never aspire to public office and the few people who apply or if they do, then come the opportunists and the nation remains stagnant, and the final complain of mismanagement to vote again for the same morons.

Well, I'm not one to criticize, to end after just a regular student I should be plotting their last specimen of impact instead of writing in his blog . Therefore, I wish the best for those who have left TEFIM and I elected to do something to bring up the faculty.

Regarding TEUNI, you can get your choice to poto, finally after all the same crap are the two lists.

According to this blog, I decided to give a break while I order my ideas a bit and * * BLUP can continue typing with the regularity with which he was doing.

Be happy everyone, even a new opportunity.
"Politicians are all equal. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river "- Nikita Khrushchev

PS: If you miss the blog, learn to write every Wednesday (as required) in Things happen, For: The fool on the hill.

PD 2: Discuss it!