Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Should I Put As A Quote On Picnik

The story of a colleague.

picture. Do not try to raise the Huaytapallana with some Converse.

Well, this was written by Tang mate, not me. Hope you enjoy:

dirty shoes, battered a lot Pichanga, emit aromas visible in his eyes, did not understand why they were in that boat, just because I felt homesick once again accompany the court [also looked like a sand].

roche Both my parents told me to buy a better quality, but my need was immersed in the same jacks

Many criminal, corner kicks, etc. I will have done, the worn fabric of the shoe made me feel like I was hitting the ball with bare feet ... and only managed to say fuck!

5 minutes have passed since I wrote shit and I was not anything has happened again, just remember that I started writing this while talking to my partner and looked Cutti my jacks, and he studied just a course that would give it in 30 minutes, this will continue when you leave your part Cutti ...

to be continued.

(After two days of leaving my part-continuity)

I felt confused and unstable, seeking answers and questions to all ... conformism around my hope, my gaze lost in luxurious marbles, and could not find my "tiger" (as told my jacks) foresaw the inevitable loss of all, the exile of my joy vanished ago truck garbage.

I must say that I identify with this, sometimes there are things, emotions, feelings, people who do not want to leave aside, but we are distracted, turned around a while and puff, gone.


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