Thursday, August 6, 2009

Meagan Goods Short Hair

green tea, red tea & Aguita skinny


What is Green Tea? Does Weight Loss? Green tea is known worldwide for all its properties, is very effective for weight loss and recommended as a supplement to any weight loss diet. Can be found in capsules or tablets along with other green tea products adelgazar.El is derived from the plant Camellia sinensis. It was discovered by an emperor 4000 years ago. Since then, this powerful plant has become a "recognized charge". Many have found in green tea and more health weight control.
For good reason: not only has an interesting appealing flavor when prepared as tea, science defends some astounding benefits when used as a supplement for the immune system and improves fat mobilization. Ie, is used in diets for weight.the green tea may help your body burn more calories and more quickly getting thin quicker. This is the reason why green tea is considered the primary supplement fat burning and weight loss programs. Green tea or, more accurately, the polyphenols in green tea, appear to activate our bodies "Thermogenic activity, which is promoting the use of calories as energy and therefore can help strike down stored fat without esfuerzo.Los green tea polyphenols also seem to help the production of natural cells' immune cells to fight bacteria and toxins, which can protect the body from free radicals that damage cells and weaken our immune system. So green tea in turn acts as a great and effective antioxidant and as a great ally to lose weight. Of course, this is very important for active people who exercise intensely and frequently, since it neutralizes these radicals through the antioxidant effect. What science says about Green Tea? Green tea is naturally packed with caffeine and compounds called "catechin polyphenols." This is very interesting for those of us who are trying to reduce our weight, because these substances increase the resting metabolic rate therefore increases calorie burning by example while we are asleep or watching caffeine found tv.The in green tea enables our bodies use energy ("lipolytic"). Green tea alone produced a four percent increase in energy burned more than placebo. In conclusion, green tea can help to accelerate fat burning (reducing weight "thinning faster") promoting the body to burn more calories even at rest over time. How to make green tea? To lose weight a dose of 300 to 600 mg per day of green tea with meals would be enough. It should contain a maximum of 97% polyphenol concentrate. This would be equivalent to drinking four cups of tea per day.


red tea was for centuries the exclusive preserve of the Chinese emperors. In this case it is used as a supplement to a varied diet, low in calories that in five days you will lose up to three kilos. Main
virtudesDesintoxica and debug hígadoRefuerza metabolism activating the immune system protects against infection and has bacteriostáticosCura evil effects and even light humor depresionesFacilita the digestion of fatty foods and stimulates the glands, the level of colesterolElimina digestivasDisminuye overweight caused by poor nutrition
Traditional Chinese medicine considers the Pu-Erh tea as a remedy for good health and weight loss. Its virtues are such that he was known as "Tea of \u200b\u200bEmperors." It is a tea that helps you lose weight without effort, it has a pleasant taste and reduces cholesterol. In the U.S. it has been dubbed "fat eater, but this tea is something else. Do you really comes from China? Yes, the Red Tea - Pu Erh is a product originating in the region of Yunnan, a province in China built in the thirteenth century and next to Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The "region of eternal spring", which is as it is known, has a climate particularly suitable for tea cultivation, especially in mountainous regions, where almost methodical rains and warm temperatures and no frost, makes the Red Tea-tree Qingmao-singular is given to exuberance. Judging by those who know, one of the most beautiful regions on Earth. As "manufacturing" RojoEl Tea Red Tea - Pu Erh is actually a green tea acquires its characteristics after a process of maturation. Its large leaves are compressed and stored for years under very specific. Although not fully revealed their "secret" is known to be stored in caves where it is stored in barrels for over 50 years. Like wine, the longer the better and (some reach 60 years) also obviously more expensive. The fact that is stored in barrels and through a special process makes it becomes red and has an extraordinary properties. PreparaciónPara prepare an infusion of Red Tea - Pu Erh enough 3g. a spoonful of dessert that is added to boiling water or hot, steeping for a while as will more or less intense. Between 2 and 5 minutes will suficientes.El foundation of an infusion is to treat a substance with hot water, grass, etc.., Extracting from it the water-soluble components contiene.La infusion of Red Tea - Pu Erh has a deep red color more intense as they spent more time sheets in solution. Its flavor, earthy, does not remember any other tea. It is easily digestible, enjoyable and when prepared loaded, remembers a little coffee. In fact, some people use it as a coffee substitute in cases of consumption abusivo.Cuando us, the West-take an infusion, we do so confident that we relieve some bad, and demand that their effects are almost immediate, as you would any medication to use. This is all enjoy natural remedies to prevent and not cure.

Aguita FLACA

time ago launched a line of teas beneficial among them is the "Aguita Flaca" tesito that this is a natural herbal mixture and also consists of seaweed, horehound, lime and cola horse. All of them beneficial to the orgasnismo highly diuretic.
The bags are made with natural fiber filter paper, the box contains 20 of these bags.

I personally prefer the water skinny as it accelerates the metabolism, helps digestion and which acts as a diuretic & detoxifies.

Between red & green tea

basically green tea works as an antioxidant, ie a "cell aging" also has diuretic properties, but the main diuretic tea is red.


Greetings (:


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