Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Should I Put As A Quote On Picnik

The story of a colleague.

picture. Do not try to raise the Huaytapallana with some Converse.

Well, this was written by Tang mate, not me. Hope you enjoy:

dirty shoes, battered a lot Pichanga, emit aromas visible in his eyes, did not understand why they were in that boat, just because I felt homesick once again accompany the court [also looked like a sand].

roche Both my parents told me to buy a better quality, but my need was immersed in the same jacks

Many criminal, corner kicks, etc. I will have done, the worn fabric of the shoe made me feel like I was hitting the ball with bare feet ... and only managed to say fuck!

5 minutes have passed since I wrote shit and I was not anything has happened again, just remember that I started writing this while talking to my partner and looked Cutti my jacks, and he studied just a course that would give it in 30 minutes, this will continue when you leave your part Cutti ...

to be continued.

(After two days of leaving my part-continuity)

I felt confused and unstable, seeking answers and questions to all ... conformism around my hope, my gaze lost in luxurious marbles, and could not find my "tiger" (as told my jacks) foresaw the inevitable loss of all, the exile of my joy vanished ago truck garbage.

I must say that I identify with this, sometimes there are things, emotions, feelings, people who do not want to leave aside, but we are distracted, turned around a while and puff, gone.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Why Would A Grown Man Have A Wet Dream?

me down from my cloud. I talked

Photo 1. Yes, my table had dust.

I confess that I see everything as a game, a strategy game, a game of chess, where I have only to wait and see, attack and counterattack, and sometimes defend.

is true, I think I am a person with great potential, look no further. I effort for nothing and still look at me, look at all the things I left behind so many goals accomplished and dreams to achieve.

is true, I'm not the best, I am not the best person nor the family better. However, look at me no more, I'm much better than others, that with effort and dedication, we want to be in my place.

Sometimes I feel dumb, dumb for not knowing how to appreciate the great potential that God the Father derrepente I wanted to give. Not to appreciate all the love, support and hope of people who appreciate me it will change and that I try just a little bit no more.

Look no more I started writing a book, I finished the first chapter and I will not give for more. angel Do not give up , I listen to my thoughts as I shower in the morning before going to study.

But what does that do not give up ? Is it really another phrase? BASTA ! Stop right there here and now , and stand to think. Take a reading, thinking, change, mature, change again and again to reflect. Helping others is good, encourage each other is good that you care about others is good, but, look no further: sometimes, to improve oneself in the way they think and act more good for the community to try to change throughout society.

know that nobody is like you, nobody will ever like you, and you'll never be like everyone else, only see, just open your eyes and find the answer. 're Not as smart as you thought, nor have that potential, just look at you angel, you settle into your mediocrity .

Concentrate on finishing that book, dedicate yourself to study, give more time to your family, Quechua and stops learning, stops following childish thinking and change that reality. The time never comes you lose angel, you know well. Then why not finish and this post, turn off the computer and change your truth.

"Things do not change, we change" - Henry David Thoreau

ps: This is just a blog, people who derrepente want to play politics with my humble blog: not passed because of Fools.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Does Jizz Smell Like Fish


Photo 1. "Yes, I am Cutti and my name is Angel."

This week I have not been clear, and it has been a short week, very short.

Starting on Thursday, Thursday I had to speak in front of all cachimbos was not lucid clarity I needed to say he did not want to speak to the masses, I needed clarity to focus my ideas and yes, I spoke stones, rocks and meteorites. I was wrong about the future electorate, compared to my future in front of my opponents and potential allies. Electorate I am very sorry, really I am a good candidate for TEFIM and did not want to repeat the same proposal that had already repeated 4 times, is more for my EXPOFIM want and not have to do another activity, but I think would have liked that either.

On Thursday I played game, I think that since I was cachimbo under so many players in one game, again was not clear, moreover, was upset and vent my feelings with my opponents. And I was not upset about having spoken rocks hours before, I've been upset all week. I'm sorry "NEMO" I did not mean to elbow you fall, I swear.

That same Thursday, if I'm wrong, I told a friend who I spoke in a while, and as usual it began to bother me and I will answer all roast terribly wrong. I di account of my impertinence, but I did not know how to fix what he had done, and as I was not lucid when I tried to fix things I did wrong and screwed up more. I'm so sorry my friend, I did not mean to treat you as you tried, indeed, I would like to talk more often with you, but do not want you meddle much in my business.

Another silly that I did what I did yesterday, yesterday I said publicly that a girl I liked, and I really like it but this is not done. I had the insight to realize that I was a complete "gallant", a stupid, a fool, an idiot, a daring. Sorry people who have the goodness to read my facebook, I did not mean that you think what they thought of me, not me, if I want to know how to read my blog.

Anyway, at this time that has happened (since I do not write a new entry) I have not been lucid enough to know that Lacrimosa is going to be playing on Monday 4 Voce TODAY October, so it is time to introspect and start again.

"All are lunatics, but analyzing his madness is called a philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce.

PD: really, the girl who publicly said I do like, and I apologize because I do like.