Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Images Of Chinese Bang With Straight Hair Weave

what if I go? It was a matter of chance

Photo 1. of when trying to dance.

Many I know, I have about $ 311 facebook friends ("strong indicator"), I have 134 followers on twitter, and 11 are people who follow my beloved blog, as well as 239 people on msn with which one I reach 10.

Now it happens that many people I know (many more than 311 of those fake facebook, twitter of those 134 and 239 of msn) but many of those many people do not know how I am. Some may say I'm a huge idiot, introvert who know nothing of life and I have no opinion about anything. Others may say the opposite, I'm brilliant, I'm too talkative and I have a great view of almost everything in this life. On the other hand, I think most would agree that I am proud, stubborn, renegón and bum. These people have very reason, I am bum, and I like being a bum.

funny thing is knowing that the people think about my sentimental nature. I am aware that Jessy Liz and Sandra think I'm very very affectionate, sentimental, and emotional romaticón because that I have ever known. I'm sure most of the church (except Mike, who is not going to that church where he went) think that I have no feelings, like some of the university. Even I have the certainty that my family thinks I'm dry, unfeeling, heart of stone, or so I've become. An example of people who think I'm this way (feeling) is the dotero Cesar La Torre.

thing is I'm not used to treating all people the same way, to each of the different treatment is a bad habit I've acquired since 2006 where I began to meet more and more people, and I was excited about the idea of \u200b\u200bknowing the different character types and personalities, so try to know myself. Everything to get confused at the end myself and not really knowing how I am or derrepente opposite.

With my family is in the same way, I'm in the same way with everyone. Derrepente is something everyone has, but in my case is very noticeable, or at least I realize, is what I would say that intentional.

Now it seems that everyone affects them the way I or my new way of being, and when I say to all I mean people that really matter , indeed, I think now I'm an embarrassment to these people and they would be better without me.

why I wonder what if I go?, I have some places to go, but will they be OK? What will they think of me? "Will think I'm a nuisance after a while and will definitely be better off without me?

These questions that make me a lump in my throat, and I realize I'm not that heart of stone as I thought I had lost: I am a fucking romantic emotional nostalgic really cares too much about the people most want, but these think otherwise.

"Sometimes you have to step aside for others to move three to the front" - Nelson Argana ( actually did not say that exactly, I adapted what he said was this )

PS: to those who spoke on skype with me, broke my headset-microphone, I'll be incommunicado for the half until further public notice.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gpsphone Pokemon Firered Cheats

I remember clearly, I was at school in psychology or RV class taught by Diego Ramos administrator, also said he had studied psychology. It was the day of delivery of vocational test results, half of the academic year of the 5th year of high school in College honorable "San Andrés" (formerly Anglo-Peruvian)

The teacher called me, I immediately turned the leaf, had the luxury of reading it himself. I said that my strong were science, mechanics and creativity, and my tendencies (attitudes) were to those branches, then read the list of careers that were out, they were: interior design, architecture, industrial engineering, systems engineering, civil engineering , electronic engineering, telecommunications engineering, mechanical engineering. The teacher asked me what career I would like to continue, I said architecture, he mocked me and told me I had much more potential to study architectural engineering, and completed with this sentence: "so I like to build legos, but this is not architecture, not have the face of architect you face in mechanical engineering.

At that time I was only clear that he wanted to study in the PUCP, I did not care that race so I take it as a joke by Professor . Later I learned definitely not going to be able to run for PUCP, so I started making plans anyway desperate to finish in the PUCP. I went to an interview with the UPC (to enter), so this needed letters of recommendations teachers in these letters of recommendations as teachers recommended me as an excellent student studying architecture layers.

What happened was that when I went to talk to Diego on the recommendation letter told me I was crazy, that architecture was not for me and told me it was expensive. That part I do, the word "expensive" rang in my ears and immediately decided to apply for telecommunications engineering. So I gave my interview with my 5 letters of recommendation, I joined the UPC, but I do not have enough money to study there, so I enrolled.

C My plan was to study in uni, again did not know what career they chose, the goal was UNI a university where I do not pay tuition, free lunch and is 20 minutes from my house, besides being one of the most prestigious universities in Peru, of course.

That was how I entered the CEPREUNI made two vocational test in two different cycles. At first I went:
  • 1st choice: Mechanical Engineering
  • 2nd choice: Architecture
  • the 3rd option: Civil Eng.

not entered in that cycle, and as more or less knew that it would not enter the mechanical, ran for ing. mine for better priority in the regular review, not entered anyway so do not tell you more about that cycle.

The second cycle in CEPREUNI (best CEPRE of South America according to Professor Obregón ) was entirely different, was within the top 14 for the first midterm exam (they are 7 practices, 2 partial, 1 final). While in that position I took my test career, again and I went:
  • 1st choice: Architecture
  • 2nd choice: Mechanical Engineering
  • the 3rd option: Mechatronics Eng.
At that time he took his importance, was far from the end of the cycle, so I continued to study a little and a week before choosing what I wanted to apply for direct entry mode, I realized that definitely did not know that race was going to study.

I got my calculations and if I kept my average with whom he was in 8th place in the whole architecture CEPREUNI could enter without vocational aptitude test (the architecture) with an average of 11,649 (which was the average grade to which admitted architecture to the last cycle to mine for direct entry mode).

Then one night in my house I made little notes, and wrote down the codes of racing in each of them and put them in a bag, I chose to race in the papers were :

  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering (because Joel had told me to send like industrial engineers like me)
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Telecommunications Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Economic Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
I do not remember the exact order, the thing Mechanical Engineering is left as 1st choice. The day came to deliver the list of careers that you wanted to apply and make jokes grabbed my prospect, I began to turn the pages and put the finger and the race to put it out so that my legs are cagaran of laughter and of emotion that will not take a seat to their careers, so after the 1st option was to put mechanical engineering, as he still went to enter the first option to choose and it was.

's been two years since that chance decided my career, which is very nice as the other races that were on my list, but finally I realized that I had not served as an architect, I'm too lazy to dawn making models, plus my labor in this area is almost nil, I think it is more negative .

I thank the chance that I like and enjoy, I'm looking at a beautiful career in which I am incredibly good.

"The trouble is easy to do, what good is easy to do, how hard is to make decisions." - Yoscaba

PS: In addition, if nominated I would not have won architecture computer having been in 3rd place direct entry mode (UNI:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

W4 Married Hold At Single Rate


Photo 1. Waiting for the doctor's appointment.

After philosophizing hard as she ate my caramel popcorn I noticed you're like a doctor's appointment.

're like a doctor's appointment because no one wants to go to the doctor, or at least no one able to think normally like to go on a date with any kind the doctor. Even sick, I think they would rather be healthy once and having to go to a doctor's appointment distressing.

're like a doctor's appointment because we all need a doctor's appointment, no matter if well or are dying, it's always good to see a doctor. Especially because you like those appointments when you log where you feel more alive, healthier, happier.

're like a bloody, disgusting, and delicious addicted doctor's appointment. The good thing is that it goes a good appointment time appointment, which is also bad when you think about it. Anyway, these two, patient and doctor, are intended to be seen again and again until one of the two have to leave the world. Thus it would be nice to see you more often.

"No doctor can cure it without taking into account the patient" - Seneca