Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mature Male In Ladies Girdler

doctor changes. Stories

Video 1 . Haircut rush

The other day last week Anderson "I do not want to be my fim" Quispe asked me, "oe Cutti and why such a radical change?"

What he meant is that he was accustomed to seeing me with long hair, shirt, polo, kid, converse flat, super shaggy, thin lenses, etc. Recently I changed my clothes (which already had a long time that does not change) I bought shirts, pants, sweater, sweaters, cobartas I did not buy because I have too. In conclusion I have changed a great surface, but the cosmetic changes are the most noticeable and they have less importance.

talk about how it was when I was young. I was that kind of guy " punketón " as would @ ctcda6v listened only 6 volts. Even so, with the passage of time I discovered another type of music, I remember he brought to school Puiki album "Franz Ferdinand" the band Franz Ferdinand (the band that I could not go to see when he came to Lima and why I loathe) and I said "wow, this really is good." Anyway I was listening to other things after I went and what makes me proud is that my relationship with reggaeton was very bad.

According to my aesthetic, I think it has always been good, I think that this could make designs, flyers, websites and other things. Etso includes clothing, I must confess that I've always liked to wear shirts and ties, I love the ties, only that he thought looked very "nerd" and so much ridicule and therefore not used. After using an impressive scalp for a few years that feeling of "uh, to tell the people" has changed, now I can use the little shirt that I love so much, plus I lost my glasses I bought some thin and thick with whom I am very super nerd \\ m /. On the other hand, I must say I have not changed my way of "appreciate" as worn by the women, that aspect is very important to me when I look at a woman. I well remember a girlfriend I loved how they dressed, was a great and powerful "wow" every time I see it, and it was only by his clothes, of course.

Apart from music and clothes, I was a racist if you can call it that. Actually was one of those guys who did not understand why poor people came to the capital to be poorer and hinder the things he could not understand why people come to Lima province that was over populated and unemployed to "seek a better life ". Then I could meet people from different provinces, and was another "wow" fully opened eyes, and I also realized that not all people of the province is poor and use them as thought-indeed, these people are what they put more effort things. If I could, I would have been born in the province and have that desire having these people, because for me to be Lima does not mean anything.

Anyway, as I said in previous lines, the surface changes are those that are less important, what matters is the essence of each one in his life.

"We ourselves must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

PD1: There is a poll that really want to hear from my readers

PD2: The reason I cut my Hair is only the last time I went to Miss stylist came to skewer me that my hair is never the way I want, so from that day I decided to cut it myself.

PD3: It's not bad editor, is that I went wrong the first time and I was too lazy to do it all again.

PD4: tatatatatatatatayayayaya!

PD5: Who has not seen Toy Story 3, which locate me to go see it,

PD6: Whether 've already seen, if you want to see again Pass me the voice.

PD7: I can locate on the links found on the right side of your screen where ->

PD8: I also love the scarves.


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