Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Diagram On How To Steal

princesses stop at nothing

Hello anas and Mias, let me explain you more or less how this blog is going to work. Well to start, i have to say that we are two girls the ones that are going to write here, Me Princesa Encantada (Enchanted Princess) and Annie, well some of you already know who we are...Actually what we want to make is a bridge between girls with EDS, breaking any kind of wall, even the language wall, some of you dont know about this, but spanish speaking countries have the highest rates son Anas and Mias, and we actually, have a lot of communication between girls with EDs... is a kind of "big issue" over here, there had been campaings about it, the are hundreds of sites about it, and as the goverments dont have any power on this, we can keep with this... there are about ana "books, idols, songs" great material, that we would share with you with the pass of the time, its gonna be a great thinspo...

Well Here, I mean countries like Spain, South and Central America, we use to call all e ach other (between Anas and Mias) "Princesses"
Well and we are two "princesses" on this mortal sweet and sour obssesive journal , but as anyone is like other, we totally know that there are all kind of "princesses" and we can have the same goal, but we can be totally different.
Well you may have a wrong idea about "latins" we are not like the ones at the americans show! omG! not at all! LOL! ... that dont happened here...
Well, we, me and annie, are quite similar, and it doesnt matter that we are from differents countries, bcuz more or less we have the same ideas, and we came from similar backgrounds, we have also the same likes... etc. LOL, i know that a lot of you dont care about it! but to be totally honest, when i dont speak with her for a couple of days it seems like ages for me. The true is that we are really good friends, and its amazing the way the we communicated with each other, that is something that makes me think "hey! everything have a good side, i mean, without ana or mia, this wouldnt be possible" Im glad to be with her on this journal looking for the same goal, but at the same time i wouldnt like that something bad happen to her, omG! i wont like even like to think about it! i would die!! ... and we have soo many plans...
This blog is not like other blogs, this is gonna be kind of "interactive" something like if you were reading a magazine or a Pro ana at E! entertaiment television, lol am i speaking too much?! lol hmmm... maybe... you would be the one with the last word... the only thing that i can say is that... we got brilliant msn conversations and... we rarely share with others... so this blog is not gonna have post that dont have any relation with each other, for the same reason that we talk about everything, and this space is gonna be full with topics that we have already talk... sometimes it would seem like a nice conversation, others like something more serious, .... this space is going to Be like this ... Our Space Your Space ... Without anything else so to say "welcome to our world"
PS. Inglés is not my first language so ... I Can Have Some mistakes! im human! lol! im looking for perfection! i dont have it yet! .. By the way ... nutrition studies anniiie We Have ... so really good info!



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