Monday, July 21, 2008

Vitamin D And Low Neutrophils

Exercise bulimia / bulimia Exercise

Exercise bulimia

Exercise bulimia is a subset of the Psychological disorder Called bulimia in Which a person is Compelled to Exercise in an Effort Aimed at burning the calories of food energy and fat reserves to an Excessive level that negatively affects their health. The damage normally occurs through not giving the body adequate rest for athletic recovery compared to their exercise levels, leading to increasing levels of disrepair. If the person eats a normally healthy and adequate diet but exercises in levels they know require higher levels of nutrition, this can also be seen as a form of anorexia.

Exercise bulimia is classified as a non-purging form of bulimia - that is to say, the sufferer does not regularly engage in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas to rid themselves of the food ingested, but only uses exercise as a method of compensation. Exercise bulimia is especially common in those who find it difficult to purge, and in men with eating disorders. It is often seen as a 'healthy' method of compensation. However, the effects of excessive exercise (both psychologically and physically) should not be underestimated, and excessive exercise should not be seen as a safe alternative to vomiting/fasting in those tackling eating issues. Eating disorders are varied and complex, and it is common for more than one disorder to be diagnosed (although, medically speaking, anorexia nervosa takes precedence over a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa over a diagnosis of binge eating disorder). Most sufferers present a wide variety of symptoms, and it is not unheard of for people to suffer the full range of symptoms of all three disorders at different stages in their lives, or at the same time. It is therefore also possible, although rare, for an eating disorder to be unclassifiable and in these cases it can be harder to see the damaging effects of exercise, especially if someone is seen to be eating a 'healthy' diet containing all food types, and exercising often.

Medical Consequences
Exercising too much can cause a multitude of problems including:

-Injuries such as stress fractures, strains and sprains
-Low body fat - low to the point where it can cause some serious health problems.
-Reproductive problems
-Heart problems


Bulimia de ejercicio exagerado

La Exercise bulimia is a subtype of psychological disorder called bulimia nervosa, in which a person feels driven to exercise excessively to burn calories and fat stores with food obtained. The health damage usually occurs because you are not giving your body the proper rest for physical recovery over the level of exercise. Can also be a form of anorexia if you have a healthy diet and adequate but makes a number of exercise require greater nutrition.

Features exercise bulimia
Exercise bulimia is classified as a form of non-purging bulimia, ie affected not regularly practice self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas to get rid of food eaten, but only used the exercise as method of compensation. This type of bulimia is common in those who find it difficult to purge, and in men with eating disorders. A method is often considered a "healthy" compensation. However, the physical and psychological effects of excessive exercise should not be underestimated.

Eating disorders are varied and complex, and it is common for people affected suffer more than one disorder (although, in medicine, anorexia nervosa takes precedence over a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, and bulimia in turn on a binge eating disorder). Most sufferers have a wide variety of symptoms, and not infrequently suffer the full range of symptoms of three disorders mentioned in various stages of their lives, or even at the same time (for example, an anorexic can fast, vomiting , exercising obsessively and binge once in a while).

health consequences
Doing too much exercise can cause many problems, including:

-Injuries such as stress fractures, sprains and cramps
"Very low levels of body fat that can cause serious health problems-fatigue

-Dehydration -Osteoporosis-Arthritis

-Playback problems
-Heart Disease-Death

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Diagram On How To Steal

princesses stop at nothing

Hello anas and Mias, let me explain you more or less how this blog is going to work. Well to start, i have to say that we are two girls the ones that are going to write here, Me Princesa Encantada (Enchanted Princess) and Annie, well some of you already know who we are...Actually what we want to make is a bridge between girls with EDS, breaking any kind of wall, even the language wall, some of you dont know about this, but spanish speaking countries have the highest rates son Anas and Mias, and we actually, have a lot of communication between girls with EDs... is a kind of "big issue" over here, there had been campaings about it, the are hundreds of sites about it, and as the goverments dont have any power on this, we can keep with this... there are about ana "books, idols, songs" great material, that we would share with you with the pass of the time, its gonna be a great thinspo...

Well Here, I mean countries like Spain, South and Central America, we use to call all e ach other (between Anas and Mias) "Princesses"
Well and we are two "princesses" on this mortal sweet and sour obssesive journal , but as anyone is like other, we totally know that there are all kind of "princesses" and we can have the same goal, but we can be totally different.
Well you may have a wrong idea about "latins" we are not like the ones at the americans show! omG! not at all! LOL! ... that dont happened here...
Well, we, me and annie, are quite similar, and it doesnt matter that we are from differents countries, bcuz more or less we have the same ideas, and we came from similar backgrounds, we have also the same likes... etc. LOL, i know that a lot of you dont care about it! but to be totally honest, when i dont speak with her for a couple of days it seems like ages for me. The true is that we are really good friends, and its amazing the way the we communicated with each other, that is something that makes me think "hey! everything have a good side, i mean, without ana or mia, this wouldnt be possible" Im glad to be with her on this journal looking for the same goal, but at the same time i wouldnt like that something bad happen to her, omG! i wont like even like to think about it! i would die!! ... and we have soo many plans...
This blog is not like other blogs, this is gonna be kind of "interactive" something like if you were reading a magazine or a Pro ana at E! entertaiment television, lol am i speaking too much?! lol hmmm... maybe... you would be the one with the last word... the only thing that i can say is that... we got brilliant msn conversations and... we rarely share with others... so this blog is not gonna have post that dont have any relation with each other, for the same reason that we talk about everything, and this space is gonna be full with topics that we have already talk... sometimes it would seem like a nice conversation, others like something more serious, .... this space is going to Be like this ... Our Space Your Space ... Without anything else so to say "welcome to our world"
PS. Inglés is not my first language so ... I Can Have Some mistakes! im human! lol! im looking for perfection! i dont have it yet! .. By the way ... nutrition studies anniiie We Have ... so really good info!


Friday, July 11, 2008

Herpes Look Like A Scratch

know a little bit ...

Hello princess ... Let me explain more or less the dynamics of this blog .. First of all ... we are two we are going to write here, I (Princess Loved to) and AnniiieE! Some already know us ...

We two are like many princesses ... efforts in search of a deadly obsession bittersweet, but ... so as not all are equal in this world, we very well know that there are princesses of all kinds, of all colors and tastes very different from each other and more that have more or less the same objective, are completely opposite!

blogfera Then we can see in all kinds of princesses, and more or less we become idea of \u200b\u200bthe type x princesses are the details that are giving away ...

realmnt Annii I and we are quite similar! xq x mas we come from different countries, more or less have the same ideas, environment, taste, etc ... Jajajajja sii .. c that many of usteds X with this, but the truth, I believe q if you step over a few days without talking cn it ... it is as if he spoke weeks! sii ... is incredible ... xq our topics cover everything! nothing is saved and every word can be turned into another hour of conversation ... what it costs us terrible hours of sleep to both! jajajajja but totally worth the pain ... The truth is ... Annii and I are good friends ... realmnt is amazing ... the way we communicate ... and is one of those reasons make me think, "hey, this is a good thing, but outside x Mia and Ana, this would not be possible" I like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing directed with her for the same, but tmp want anything bad will happen! ayy noo without saying ... I mueroo ... q also have so many plans ...

This blog ... not like the rest ... having more than one user, no! not at all ... here is something more interactive ... something like you're looking at a magazine or a pro ana E! jajajajaja entertainment ... exaggerated? hmm ... talvz usteds then qualify ... All I know is that whenever we come up with brilliant ideas ... vz q plasmas and are rarely as simple msn conversations! Q ... so this blog will not be posts that have no connection with the other, x the very fact that we talk about everything, be full of issues we have discussed previously, simple often many complex, sometimes colloquial, sometimes to be more for a more technical or scientific side, so handling this space, our space ... so buenoo ... Without further ado welcome to our world