Sunday, April 10, 2011

Columbus, Ohio License Renewal Fees

Talk, talk, talk.

Video 1. SCHNECKENTRAUM (El Sueño del Caracol)

there anything important, very important to me, and that is communication. So DO NOT UNDERSTAND, DO NOT UNDERSTAND why I can not have a normal conversation with you, I mean I run out of topic of conversation, I do not know how to start the conversation, what to ask, what to say, what insinuarte.

This is not normal, I like the music you play, the way you think, what you wear, what you're studying, how your smile and your mysterious personality.

derrepente have some things in common, different tastes, different ideas and thoughts shared, and that's the beauty and the strange thing at a time. Because supposedly, in theory, would have much to say ... but does not leave then, exploits the brain and it all ends in a "hello" and "goodbye."

why have not I told you to leave, so I've quit looking for you, wanting to meet you and know that what I am writing is reprehensible and even I would say I'm a fucking coward.

spoiled I always have a plan, people predict, create chances and make up stories. This no longer works, it's time to improvise. I dont want to continue to waste the few chances I get.

Let me show who I really am, let me show you my big dreams, my little achievements, my strengths and my few major flaws, because I think so just understand that I'm not really a coward again, if not to be confused in this true story.

"The confidence in it is the first secret of success. "- Rudolph W. Emerson

PS: I do not know why the hell I write in rhyme.
PD2: the video is thanks to @ tunoviamemima.
PD3, and I'm not talking about the girl who lives very far away from here with it if I can have a conversation, I think.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Remote Fireplace Starter Not Working

routine bilirubin.

Video 1. My song for the presidential election.

Hi, this is one of those entries where I describe my last two weeks in an attempt to distract and to think a bit about things.

uninstalled many programs on Monday morning, would also uninstall warcraft but thought there was no joke Clear, since the idea was to stop playing because they no longer wanted to play, do not stop play because I have the program installed. That was two weeks and I managed to stop playing on my computer.

The first day I devoted my life to little programs on my calculator for electrical machines course, later I learned that you do not need many little programs for this course, but at least it helped me survive my eight hours of opening. I decided to be the delegate for that course, and now I have to fix a 250kVA transformer which lacks oil 5 cylinder 3487 Class A ASTM Type II , and organizes two visits technic, an ABB and another Delcrosa . Good for me.

the second day of classes in the course of finite element calculation to my teacher of theory, Abregu engineer, she had a stroke, yes! stroke. Se le paralizó la mitad del cuerpo y cayó en plena clase cuando intentó caminar al otro la de la pizarra. Parece que el profesor ya no dictará este ciclo y el ingeniero Cueva lo ha de suplantar y también cambiará el horario. Con respecto al profesor de práctica, parece muy exigente aparte de que también me va a cambiar el horario. Por esto: la próxima semana a lo peor tal vez comience a salir de la UNI a las 22:00 horas.

El viernes hubo Yunsa en la UNI sin ningún motivo o razón, después de ensayar con los sikuris me quedé con unos compañeros a embrigar. Yo me quedé de amanecida en la UNI, ya que tenía clase de métodos number at 8:00 pm. The teacher called my attention to open a link in twitter (of those who do not know what they are because they are small) and told me it was a bum who wasted the internet, if I was going to be doing better bullshit remove me from class and face had not slept.

Anyway, this week went by and the next was better because the dining room opened. My body got used to getting up at 6:00 to go to turn out to dinner. Therefore I have been having breakfast at the UNI, as ever. Usually have lunch just because I am too lazy to go find someone to lunch (although I do not like lunch only) but Luckily I always ran into someone on the road or in the same room to keep me company.

I also got a course in computer center to get the certificates that I have of the many programs that domain but I have no certification. And yes, as I have time from Monday to Saturday, I am taking it on Sunday. On Thursday passed and my body was feeling very tired, but I guess I'll gradually get used to the schedule that I have chosen to bring this cycle.

On the other hand, I think I have improved with the bagpipe (eye, said bagpipe, sikuri not) separate as I have no distractions like playing ... I've been playing the guitar again, for now I'm learning just "something" and "I love you", but here we go. Oh right! also gave me exercise, but the first day I did I "went too far" and ended with my left biceps and triceps useless, however, after the lollipop on Friday (the yunsa) began to be mobile, I think which are the miraculous effects of alcohol.

Another thing you should say is that I stopped talking to the girl who loves me, knows that I love, but living very far from here, I'm sorry and I feel helpless because I do not know, just the thing cooled, and the veritas veritas I'd like to talk more often with her, to tell me things or tell me but as an aura to "dodge" that I can not do these things.

[This is being extended but I will] I've also been talking a lot about politics, beginning with the School policy. It's amazing how TEFIM members no longer go to university council, only one and that one will give much to be desired, I have been complaining that those people who came to my propuestas, con una copia de mi blog, con una copia de mi publicidad; no han hecho NADA de lo que yo pude hacer. ¡Vamos! ¿tan difícil es informar lo que está pasando en la facultad? ¿tan difícil es avisar que va haber elección de decano, que hubo una exposición de ideas o debate? Pero claro, a quién le importa informar a los estudiantes cuando corren intereses de por medio. Y bien, ahora se acerca la semana de la facultad y ¡agárrense! porque no hay nada, no hay ni TEFIM ni CEFIM, gracias compañeros estudiantes!

Ahora ha hablar de política nacional, es increíble como las personas pueden ser tan manipuladas por modas, sold by the press or unfounded fears, some are driven by stereotypes and paradigms ... but what can you do? so is Peru. I must say that I would vote for Ollanta, it is the only candidate who is not of the oligarchy, it's been almost 10 years since we recovered democracy, democracy that does not reach all of Peru, that democracy which gives many privileges to the legislature and creates a corrupt judiciary, that democracy mafia. Time for a change, real change. I know it's a risky proposition, but while this sector where there is no democracy, Peru remains a country divided, where some people are still embarrassing ancestral customs and are completely intolerant of these, damn fucking insane.

Video 2. Most wrong, most alienated, most shit.

I also plan to create another blog, where you can write what I think of Decree 739 of the antics that may happen in the next government or college or other things ... in order when you have something really interesting to write I will, sorry for the long post.

"There is no success without sacrifice. "- John Maxwell

PS: I also like too know that there are objective people can talk about politics or other things, leaving their interests or their clichés, menacho fuck! !